How to Overcome Common Struggles When Trying to Declutter Your Home (Tips and Tricks)

4 min read

Learn how to overcome the common struggles and obstacles that may stop you from achieving your decluttering goals.

How to Overcome Common Struggles When Trying to Declutter Your Home (Tips and Tricks)
How to Overcome Common Struggles When Trying to Declutter Your Home

Do you want to declutter your home and create more space, peace, and joy in your life? If so, you are not alone. Many people want to live with less clutter and more simplicity, but they also face some common struggles and obstacles along the way. In this blog post, I will share with you some of these struggles and how to overcome them. Learn how to declutter without resorting to expensive declutter home services.

Keeping items “just in case” or for “someday”

This is when you hold on to things that you don’t use or love, but think you might need them in the future. To overcome this, you need to be realistic and honest with yourself about the likelihood of using or needing those items.

Ask yourself:

  • When was the last time you used them?
  • When will you use them again?
  • If you can’t think of a specific and realistic scenario, let them go.

Remember that most of the things you declutter, you won’t even miss or remember after a while.

“The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.” - Marie Kondo

Feeling overwhelmed or not having enough time

Decluttering can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of clutter or don’t know where to start. To overcome this, you need to break down the process into smaller and manageable steps.

Here are some tips:

  • Focus on what you want to keep, not what you want to get rid of.
  • Declutter one area, category, or room at a time.
  • Prioritize the areas that cause you more stress or frustration.
  • Visualize your ideal space and create a vision board or a mood board.
  • Reward yourself for your achievements and celebrate with others.
  • If you want to learn more about how to declutter your home without feeling overwhelmed, check out this helpful article that has more tips and tricks for you.

Having emotional attachments or sentimental values

This is when you keep things that remind you of someone, something, or some time in your life. Understanding the letting go of clutter psychology is crucial in these situations. These items may have personal meaning or history, but they may also take up space and create clutter. To overcome this, you need to acknowledge and honor your feelings, but also recognize that the memories are not in the things, but in your mind and heart.

You can:

  • Keep items that are truly meaningful and special to you, but let go of the rest.
  • Take photos of the items, or repurpose them into something useful or creative.
  • Share the items with someone who will appreciate them more than you.

Dealing with different opinions or preferences

This is when your spouse, kids, or other family members are not on board with your decluttering efforts, or have different opinions or preferences about what to keep or get rid of. To overcome this, you need to communicate and compromise with them.

You can:

  • Explain why decluttering is important to you, and how it can benefit everyone in the household. For example, you can tell them how decluttering can save time, money, space, and energy, and create a more peaceful and harmonious environment.
  • Respect their choices and boundaries, and don’t declutter their stuff without their permission. For example, you can ask them to sort out their own belongings, or to designate a specific area or container for their stuff.
  • Focus on your own stuff first, and set a good example for them. For example, you can show them how much easier and happier your life is after decluttering, and inspire them to do the same.
  • Involve them in the process, and make it fun and rewarding for them. For example, you can declutter together as a family activity, or give them incentives or rewards for decluttering their stuff.

Not knowing what to do with the decluttered items

This is when you have sorted out the items you want to get rid of, but you don’t know how to dispose of them properly. You may feel guilty about throwing them away, or you may not have the time or resources to donate, sell, or recycle them. To overcome this, you need to find the best option for each type of item, and follow through with it.

You can:

  • Use online platforms, apps, or local groups to sell or donate your unwanted items. For example, you can use eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Freecycle to find buyers or takers for your stuff.
  • Look for recycling centers, charities, or organizations that accept specific items. For example, you can use Earth911 to find recycling locations near you, or Goodwill to donate clothes, books, furniture, and more.
  • Ask your friends, family, or neighbors if they need or want anything from your decluttered pile. You may be surprised by how many people are happy to take some of your things off your hands.

Lacking motivation or accountability

Decluttering seems unachievable when you lose interest or enthusiasm in it, or you don’t have anyone to support or encourage you. You may feel bored, tired, or frustrated with the process, or you may procrastinate or avoid it altogether. To overcome this, you need to find ways to motivate and hold yourself accountable.

You can:

  • Set a deadline, reward, or challenge for yourself. For example, you can aim to declutter a certain number of items by a certain date, and treat yourself to something nice when you achieve it. Or you can join a decluttering challenge online or offline, and compete with others or yourself.
  • Join a decluttering community, group, or challenge online or offline. There are many Facebook groups where you can get tips, inspiration, and support from other people who are decluttering their homes and lives.
  • Ask a friend, family member, or professional to help you declutter, or to check in on your progress. Having someone else involved can make the process more fun and less stressful. They can also keep you accountable and motivated by giving you feedback, advice, or encouragement.

Thank you for reading this article and learning about how to overcome some common struggles when decluttering your home. I hope this will help you achieve your decluttering goals and create a space that reflects your values and vision.

You got this! 😊

If you want to learn more about decluttering and want more guidance on how to declutter your home, read our Declutter Your Home Checklist.

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